Immunisation Cinic

Vaccine is provided for any person who needs the required
immunizations and meets vaccine eligibility criteria. This clinic is held
twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays from 8:00 a.m. – 10 a.m.
in Mexico at the Audrain City-County Health Unit. Everyone MUST
bring their current immunization record.

For children 18 years and under, they must be accompanied by a parent
or another adult must be present at the time immunizations are given and
the child cannot be sick.  There is a minimum fee of $15 per
immunization visit per person.  We do accept Healthcare USA,

The Meningitis Immunization is
available at ACCHU for a cost
of $15 if you are 18 or under.  
For everyone else you should
call for the price.

Adult Hepatitis A & B,
TDaP, and Tetanus
vaccine is available for
anyone 19 and over for a
cost of $45

Vaccine for shingles
(Zostavax) is available for
adults over 50 for a cost of
approximately $183
(Subject to change without
notice).  If you have
Medicare Part D, it may pay
some of the cost of
Zostavax.  ACCHU will bill
Medicare Part D for the part
they will pay.